Webb Paranormal Group

Ghost Stories- The Dancing Ghost of Coffee County, AL

The tale of the dancing #ghost of William Henry “Grancer” Harrison Jr. grew in popularity with the writing of the book, 13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey.” This book was written by the famous Alabama author, Kathryn Windham-Tucker in 1969. In the closing of her book, she talks about the Harrison cemetery.

You may ask, ‘where did he get the name of Grancer?’ The name “Grancer” actually means “Grand-Sir” or “Grand Sire” and it is a term of affection. It is an old Scottish term for grandfather. 

The tale of William Henry Harrison Jr and his dancing ghost begins in the late 1800’s on a dirt road in Coffee County, Alabama.

It was a Saturday evening, a horse-drawn carriage was clip-clopping along a dirt trail. Inside a family was enjoying the ride together at the end of a long day.  Suddenly, a chill consumes everyone inside the buggy as they cross another dirt road. The horses drawing the buggy become very anxious and agitated. The soft sounds of a fiddle playing can be heard. In addition, there are noises, which sound much like dancing coming from the area up ahead. 

Grancer Harrison’s favorite night for his parties was Saturday. Which is probably why most odd happenings around his tomb occur on a Saturday night. 

To learn more, check out this ghostly tale in the YouTube video link below:

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