Webb Paranormal Group

Difference Between Ghost Hunting and Paranormal Investigations

Do you know the difference between #ghost hunting and #paranormal investigations? What exactly is #Ghost Hunting? What is Paranormal Investigation? The purpose of this blog is to give you a little insight into the difference between these two.

Ghost Hunting

Ghost hunting is the act of searching in a place that has no history of any sightings or any ghost. Then trying to find something using cameras, photos, etc.

Paranormal Investigations

Paranormal investigations are visiting a place that is known to be haunted for the purpose of recording new data (photos, audio, video, temperatures, etc.), taking notes, doing interviews, and gathering some other evidence to either prove or disprove a haunting or unusual activity. #Paranormal investigators can also include assisting the owners of the place in moving on with their lives. Perhaps by getting the spirits or ghost to leave the place for a better place, where they can be at rest. If this is what is wanted by the people living in the home or working in the business that is being investigated. However, some people just want to know that there is no danger to them and will just leave things alone.

Assistance or Consulting

Assistance can, also, mean directly assisting the owner with the situation, or putting the owner in contact with an experienced group or individuals who will help to resolve the situation. The Consulting can be something as easy as providing them with a little education on the procedure of the paranormal investigation, and what they can expect.

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