“What happens during a paranormal investigation?”
“What exactly do you do?” #Webb Paranormal Group gets asked on many occasions.
There are many groups of people who investigate the #paranormal, and each of them do things their own way. Here is a glimpse into the way of Webb Paranormal Group and what happens during our #paranormal investigation.
Our paranormal #investigation begins when a #client calls our number to discuss Webb Paranormal Group investigating their property. During this time, one of our Co-founders listens to the issues the client is having and an initial #interview is set up. Each interview varies depending on the claims. The co-founders listen to establish where to begin the investigation and to take notice of where to place our cameras. Usually, during this interview process, a #release form is signed by everyone stating whether the client allows, or does not allow, their photograph to be published in our posts, blogs, etc. This is completely OK with Webb Paranormal Group! We don’t do this for publicity or money, but only to help those in need.
The co-founder of the group then brings all the information gathered to the members.
This is the time when the co-founder lets the group know what we have coming up. The group will discuss times we are free and able to go to the location.
We value punctuality, as do our clients. Beginning on time makes the whole investigation go smoothly, as we are not in a rush and there are no frazzled nerves or aggravation.
Now to begin!
We get inside, do a final shorter interview with the whole group there to see if anything new has happened. Then we are ready to begin. We start by breaking out the cameras, running cords, and hooking them to our monitors to watch them live. The initial #setup time, final interview included, takes about an hour.
After that is all done, we begin using our #tools with the #EVP recorder. This helps to hear what #Spirit is telling us when we play it back, and it usually sounds like a whisper so upon review we have to pay extra careful attention to make sure we don’t miss anything. We also have other tools, and one of them is a KII meter.

Photo Credit to Teresa Fikes
The investigators then wrap up all of our equipment, sure to leave no mess behind. After the investigation, the client and Co-founders go over the evidence collected and discuss whether to cleanse the property.