Webb Paranormal Group

Old Bullock County Jail Museum

Blaine Rohan, a Spiritualist, was intriguing to our little group as he explained the safety involved in investigating. It is not just a physical danger, but a spiritual danger we must all be aware of when performing a paranormal investigation.

On June 25, 2022, the Webb Paranormal Group visited the Old Bullock County Jail Museum in Union Springs with a team of investigators, a spiritualist, and a Forensic Scientist.

Later, he leads a group of us into the infamous jail to explain the use of the equipment and protocols. She shared his stories from Pauly Jail sitting around the bull pen table on the second floor.

Kacey Luster from Category 5 Paranormal also joined us for the night. She hung in there with us. She shared her Pauly Jail experiences with us.

Carol Malone, a Forensic Scientist, along with her husband, Michael, helped to teach us how forensics can help in the paranormal field. We all tagged along as Carol explained every detail of what she was doing, what chemicals she was using, and how it worked, and then the results were jaw-dropping.

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